Bustard in a sentence as a noun

Of course, in most parts of Russia, outside Moscow, you will rarely find anyone who doesn't outright hate that bustard. I think most people want both Yanukovych and Putin out of their country.

One thing I've wondered about with respect to bustard ramjets: they work by collecting hydrogen from the quite rarified interstellar medium and fusing it for energy release. Collection of hydrogen for fusion means that collected hydrogen atoms need to be in close proximity with one another for fusion to occur.

Considering that the hypothetical "new" protozoan is as likely to target black-bellied bustards as it is to target humans, and that malaria is an awful blight upon humanity, I expect most humans would be pleased to make the exchange.

Bustard definitions


large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes