Brownout in a sentence as a noun

> Power outage on the national scale?Just brownout.

Electricity was crazy in SoCal last night, almost brownout.

I found the first model would sometimes brownout when trying to maximally utilize the ethernet.

One's fear of robots taking over the world is usually inversely proportional to the number of times they've debugged a brownout.

If an outage in one zone causes a brownout in the other zones, then the aren't independent "availability" zones in any logical sense.

I don't think I'd immediately launch into a state of panic during a mid-summer brownout...I'd probably be even more likely to read, which is a time it's nice to have a thorough dictionary on hand.

You might not see a "brownout": The electronically ballasted fluorescent lights don't dim so much -- or at all --, your laptop computer keeps running fine if the sag doesn't drop too much, and any DC-powered fans won't necessarily slow down so much or at all.

Brownout definitions


darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)

See also: blackout dimout