Broth in a sentence as a noun

A sharp, pointy broth that you shouldn't run with.

Add a crushed broth cube, and a teaspoon of sugar.

The cleaning to get chicken broth or tomato soup out would be too much to switch back and forth.

Just stick it in a rice cooker with water/vegetable broth and it fluffs up just like rice.

Jaimie Heywood started his own drug research pipeline to try to cure his brother's ALS.

This can be prevented by supplementing broth, or adding more salt to servings, for as long as the symptoms occur.

As a dev, I'm sure you know that adding more people to solve a problem doesn't help at all or as the saying goes: too many cooks spoil the broth.

Standards should be designed by committee, ensuring as many cooks are helping the broth as possible.

OR "How to many chefs ruin the broth".Makes me wonder about the level of academics at Harvard when they are promoting articles as useless as that one.

It means seriously considering stealing enough ketchup packages on your way out with the plasticware that you might be able to get a tomato soup broth going.

Common base of ground meat, onions, tomato, spices, and broth with a varying selection of additives like beans, bell pepper, carrots, peas, corn, root veggies of all kinds, green leafy veggies, squash.

Broth definitions


liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces; "she made gravy with a base of beef stock"

See also: stock


a thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock