Broaden in a sentence as a verb

But now, I really need to broaden my perspective.

"your goal is to broaden your mind about programming languages"2.

I need to broaden where I get my US-information from obviously.

If you still don't know the differences, I highly recommend you broaden your horizons.

But for now, I think the above would be a good first step, with some sort of bail-out possible if I want to "broaden" my perspective.

"broaden my understanding of programming as a discipline"6.

If one were to try something like this it would be essential to broaden the scope enough that it couldn't be used to reference a specific gag order.

People are tired of the war on terror and the security theater that goes with it, and bin Laden's death is a sufficiently large milestone that legal and legislative debates will broaden considerably.

Broaden definitions


make broader; "broaden the road"


extend in scope or range or area; "The law was extended to all citizens"; "widen the range of applications"; "broaden your horizon"; "Extend your backyard"

See also: widen extend


vary in order to spread risk or to expand; "The company diversified"

See also: diversify


become broader; "The road broadened"