Breather in a sentence as a noun

Looking forward to chatting with you as soon as we have a bit of a breather.

Is what you've built really that fragile that it can't take a breather for one single week?

I think the advice he has gotten to take a breather, and take stock in a few weeks is extremely sound.

This would be a great time to stop, take a breather, and come back to the conversation with a fresh perspective.

He's a great blogger, but his attitude made me have to walk away every few articles and just take a breather.

I'm as big a fan of rage-fueled blog posts as anyone else, but can't we give them even a little breather before breaking out the pitchforks and torches?

Maybe Rachel should consider taking a breather, or not replying to trolls, or maybe just trying to get along and be a friendly person regardless of some people being dicks.

You guys are doing a fantastic job, anything that can give you a bit more of a breather between releases and increase quality is something I'm certain the community will embrace.

Breather definitions


a short respite

See also: breath


air passage provided by a retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes; permits a submarine to stay submerged for extended periods of time

See also: snorkel schnorkel schnorchel