Breathed in a sentence as an adjective

Of course, Bret Victor's talk breathed new life into this whole thing.

" I breathed a sigh of relief when I was on the plane, but puzzled that a French tourist was in my seat.

I'm sure we all breathed a sigh of regulatory relief seeing that "c" there.

It is emitted by stones and when breathed cancerous and one of the top reasons for lung cancer.

With buses, you're clogging up the air breathed in by several million people in close proximity.

I slept, ate, and breathed it. I was sure I was on to a successful line of attack, using some sort of inverse tree approach mixed with a density argument.

I woke up every day and personally answered tickets, wrote code, and lived and breathed MyRedis.

He's kicked the bucket, hopped the \n twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the great \n Head of Light Entertainment in the sky.

As someone who has breathed Clojure for the past three years, I very rarely come across code that is truly difficult to understand.

I breathed a sigh of relief when there wasn't some tie-in to startup culture or programming or social media at the end of the article.

It breathed new life into a stillborn category by tearing down that category and reinventing it.

Enron lived and breathed the A players motto until their idolizing of "talent" lost all connection to reality.

Some of that money absolutely had to end back up with the government, just as some of the air you breath was likely also breathed by any arbitrary other human.

What cultural force or common characteristic has led so many website founders to believe that they should bloggers, to believe that by becoming bloggers that they are writersand perhaps most dazzlingly, to constantly consume and recirculate self-obsessed, content-free articles like this one, which say nothing of any substance and only recycle the same increasingly thin air first breathed by Guy Kawasaki 20 years ago?

Breathed definitions


uttered without voice; "could hardly hear her breathed plea, `Help me'"; "voiceless whispers"

See also: voiceless