Breakthrough in a sentence as a noun

It's because it's really, really, really not AI, and unless we make some kind of breakthrough on strong AI, it's not going to be for a long time.

Show me someone who has solved a genuinely hard problem before proclaiming a new breakthrough in learning.

It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest.

"The "64-bit" A7 is not just a marketing gimmic, but neither is it an amazing breakthrough that enables a new class of applications.

The article sensationally positions this as some incredible breakthrough that the "old guard" of gaming is trying to suppress.

I realized that the chance of any 1 person making a breakthrough contribution to a company, science, or the arts is vanishingly small.

Mathematics is so absolutely key to heavy-duty breakthroughs in computer science.

It is the riskiest of gambles by definition, requiring inordinate expenditures of time and resources in the present for a chance at some distant breakthrough decades or even centuries in the future.

Every day we see another "breakthrough" that isn't a breakthrough, a correlation reported as a cause-effect relationship, or a premature conclusion based on one unreplicated study.

Proper Noun Examples for Breakthrough

Breakthroughs are breakthroughs because you don't see them coming.

Breakthrough definitions


a productive insight

See also: discovery find


making an important discovery


a penetration of a barrier such as an enemy's defense