Braiding in a sentence as a noun

If they didn't care about weight they'd have used zip ties and braiding.

And if by braiding you mean twisted, shielded pairs, then I'm sure they used that.

* Last week, I had a coworker come behind me and start braiding my long hair.

Not sure what braiding entails, but according to TFA, they would not have used zip ties.

", "I say,... is ...", etc. After some more braiding, and your impetuous "Ai!

Make a mental note of this mistake, and continue braiding.

When I cut it to length, it had a foam core and the “braiding” was just a deceptive sheath around the cable.

Complex braiding, dreadlocks, and the like, require hours, or months, of cultivation.

Is the job of braiding hair only for rich people in your country?Should your argument apply to doctors too?

It's the kind of question that results in laws against braiding hair without a Cosmetology license.

" "ke-pasa" Continue braiding without any mistakes for now.

Non-Abelian braiding statistics are so far the only known robust architecture for QC, so this will be interesting to watch.

If I braid A around B which has been braided around C, it's different than braiding B around A which has been braided around C. Non-abelian just in general means non-commutative, which just means that it's different if you do things in a different order.

I'm not sure "non-Abelian braiding statistics" is the only known robust architecture for QC. Topological qubits are, after all, just systems whose natural states are quantum error correcting codes.

For some reason braiding is classified under cosmetology, and cosmetology industry used to involve a lot of hazardous chemicals.

I remember reading about someone that wanted to open up an African hair braiding salon but was denied because she hadn't completed a year-long certification course on hair-dressing that had nothing to do with the African braiding style.

Braiding definitions


trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains

See also: braid