Brachycephalic in a sentence as a noun

This is exactly what breeders are doing with brachycephalic dog breeds.

I think it is unethical to breed brachycephalic dogs.

We own a rescue mutt and a brachycephalic purebred, and had this discussion with our vet.

When I first heard about this I told myself that if I ever had a brachycephalic dog I'd ensure they were fixed, and didn't reproduce.

No, were not obliged to euthanize all these brachycephalic dogs immediately.

Brachycephalic in a sentence as an adjective

Bear in mind that it's actually pretty difficult to acquire a homeless purebred brachycephalic dog; they're in demand.

As many other comments have mentioned, brachycephalic dogs are only one kind that suffers largely as a result of selective breeding by humans.

What I am trying to point out is that it should be impossible to enjoy prolonged daily aerobic exercise under the constant respiratory distress the article is claiming for 'all such brachycephalic dogs.

In all fairness, the author is probably right that his or her clients would change vets if they told the client to stop owning brachycephalic dogs, and the client would be right to do so. People are deeply emotionally attached to their pets; it'd be a bit like a doctor setting a kid's arm telling the parent "These extra-long arms are prone to breakage; you should consider having children with someone with the genes for a stockier build.

Brachycephalic definitions


an adult with a short broad head


having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80

See also: brachycranial brachycranic