Bowline in a sentence as a noun

You can add a stopper knot to the bowline I think.

I'd 2nd the bowline - very useful knot.

But if I'm using one hand, well it takes me a **** of a lot longer with the figure 8 than the bowline.

The "base" knot for sailors is generally the bowline and for climbers the figure 8.

Learning the bowline, trucker's hitch, and double half-hitches will get you the most value for your time in my opinion.

I can tie a bowline in under 2 seconds and figure 8 in under 2 seconds easily, if i'm using both hands.

A mandatory requirement for being alive includes at least knowing how to tie a bowline.

I would add a couple of other useful hitches: the taut-line and trucker's. Along with the bowline, I use these constantly for attaching adjustable-length lines to things and securing items to vehicles.

On my short list, I would recommend:-- the bowline, for putting a slip-free loop around something -- two half hitches, for putting a cinching loop around something -- the clove hitch, for tying a rope to a pole or other cylindrical objectStart with those three, tied properly, and you can do a lot.

Not that it's something that happens on a daily basis, but did that stop you from learning CPR?The double bowline is really useful to throw to someone as a rescue harness if you need to pull them up something, and being able to tie a one-handed bowline is useful if you need to tie a rescue harness around yourself.

Bowline definitions


a loop knot that neither slips nor jams