Bongo in a sentence as a noun

"\n\n "As for Feynman’s bongo drums, well, that’s true.

But, if that weren't the case, I think the bongo board could be an improvement over standing.

Can you explain the argument of how the killing of the man in the bongo truck is not ****** and a war crime?

Let's say I sketched out a beat in Maschine standalone, using Aalto to produce some cool Buchla bongo sounds.

If Photoshop is considered ****, the rest of Adobe software is coded by blindfolded bongo-drum players.

I'm a largish guy so I'm sure it looks preposterous tapping away at this tiny thing perched on my knees but it works just fine, although the flexible keyboard sounds like a bongo when I type on anything but a firm surface.

#178: "the applicant's wife was suing him for divorce charging him with 'playing the bongo drums too much and studying physics the rest of the time'"#184: "a deeply ingrained belief that he had a superior intellect and that he could do no wrong.

Was there lasting evidence of a serious assault?Did he knock her down a flight of stairs, and the kick her the stomach until she shat blood?Or did he just kind of push her aside, or grab her by the wrist, and shove her around and yell a lot, after she stood in a doorway between him and his bongo drums?Did he overpower her and then hold her down and spit in her face?

Bongo definitions


a small drum; played with the hands


large forest antelope of central Africa having a reddish-brown coat with white stripes and spiral horns