Bombshell in a sentence as a noun

However, after about 8 months of this he landed the bombshell, he was leaving.

Personally, my money is on another bombshell this Friday.

Could please someone give a layman's explanation for this bombshell?> Assume I hide a ball in a cabinet with a million drawers.

Bad story design... trying to talk about the typical result, then late in the article drop the bombshell "The team considers Jaimee and her mother, Karen, among their best success stories.".

' For example, we're repeatedly told about the scanty traces of things dug up like coconut, and then later this bombshell is dropped:> In 1937, Hedden and his contractors returned to Oak Island.

He alleges to have several more bombshell stories to release, and it looks like he's waiting for the government to lie themselves into a corner before dropping them in the limelight.

Which is better?All 10 released at once, and 8 of them getting lost in the discussion, or releasing 1 bombshell at a time and people like us get to discuss the implications of each?I think they're doing it right so far.

>which means that they will be releasing bombshell by bombshell, or that they think other revelations will be independently reported?Presumably, the Guardian is in possession of the full 41 page powerpoint.

In the meantime I'll see if I can edit to include how he almost managed to work up the cojones to drop the bombshell at an American newspaper but couldn't muster enough motivation, because I certainly don't want to be even slighty non-factual on HN.

---- <<<.This whole time, I was thinking, "whatever they do, they won't back away from this language...why else would they drop a bombshell if they weren't willing to suffer the blowback"...And it turns out, it was just some optional path they were considering and thought, "what the ****, let's just put in there for now, no biggie"??

The blog post ends with "A far fuller picture of the exact operation of Prism, and the other surveillance operations brought to light, is expected to emerge in the coming weeks and months...", which means that they will be releasing bombshell by bombshell, or that they think other revelations will be independently reported?

Arbitrary data could be collected via phone records, then email/user data could be requested from Google/Facebook based on 'suspicious activity'.I bet that the bombshell disclosure will be that these 'proper legal warrants' are actually just arbitrary requests justified via the Patriot Act or similar.

Still other 'authorities' might only be available to more senior analysts: maybe targets who are themselves state/federal employees, elected officials, etc. have an extra sheath-of-privacy that prevents easy peeks by junior people using the most simple and elastic 'authorities'.Which brings us to Snowden's other carefully-qualified bombshell: "to even the President if I had a personal email.

Bombshell definitions


an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a blonde bombshell"


a shocking surprise; "news of the attack came like a bombshell"

See also: thunderbolt thunderclap


an explosive bomb or artillery shell