Bolus in a sentence as a noun

An egg is a good bolus of protein, minerals, and vitamins.

I can't think of an insulin pump that does not have a setting to limit the maximum bolus.

Especially if the pain is taken out of getting the bolus 40-50g of photos "uploaded" in the first place..

Then I realized that it had two different beeps, one if the pump delivered a bolus and the different one if the pump was blocked.

I stopped using Diamedic since getting the pump, and it's nice to not have to perform an entry every time I mesure/bolus.

That's what a "bolus dose" is, a single large dose to raise the levels in the blood to target levels in one go, as opposed to daily maintenance doses.

For basal-bolus therapy, you do want to have a long-acting, "peakless" dose which is then augmented by "spikes" of insulin when needed.

At this point to my knowledge there is only one treatment that have been shown in an RCT trial to have a large effect: that is giving bolus dosages of vitamin D.

I'm not sure if there are serious downsides to bolus supplementation, but it's probably not worse than most nursing-home cost-cutting tactics.

The boyfriend in the article who developed the auto-delivery system using algorithms for bolus insulin amounts is not doing anything new.

We could reduce the IFR worldwide with a coordinated effort to test vitamin D levels, give supplements to those who need them, and administer a bolus to those in the early stage of the disease.

Bolus definitions


a small round soft mass (as of chewed food)


a large pill; used especially in veterinary medicine