Blue-belly in a sentence as a noun

I've had whitetail deer, eastern red fox, river otter, snapping turtles, box turtles, muskrat, brown rat, bald eagle, turkey vulture, black vulture, crow, osprey, blue heron, white heron, green heron, snowy egret, redtail hawk, sparrow hawk, tons of songbirds, racoon, possum, black squirrel, grey squirrel, chipmunk, multiple water snake species, rough green snake, ring-tail snake, black racer, milk snake, worm snake, blue-belly skinks, toads, frogs, eels, blue crabs, sand crabs, horseshoe crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, multiple species of jellyfish, rays, skates, pipefish, striped bass, catfish, crappie, bluefish,... I'm pretty sure I've missed several.

Blue-belly definitions


common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks

See also: swift