Blowhole in a sentence as a noun

Sign on beach: "Guys, the stores will reopen sooner if you will just wear masks over your blowholes.

"The trachea only connects to the blowhole, and the animal cannot breathe through its mouth.

I can see where natural selection would lead to separation of the blowhole from the mouth.

The cooling - the titan evacuates the air trough the backplate and you just need a blowhole above the cpu.

"A simple turn involves just one unit, so does a forced blow of air out of a partially closed blowhole.

I'll bet proto-whales without that adaptation had frequent clogging of the blowhole with food from within.

I wonder if the suck-feeding method contributed to the evolution of the blowhole?

I'm kinda talking out of my blowhole here, but it seems the reason chemistry and biology are distinguished from physics is that there are a lot of emergent phenomenon that we didn't and in many cases still can't predict from the fundamental physics.

Blowhole definitions


the spiracle of a cetacean located far back on the skull


a hole for the escape of gas or air

See also: vent venthole vent-hole