Blitzkrieg in a sentence as a noun

" Linux on the desktop is an infiltration, not a blitzkrieg.

The fact that psychological blitzkrieg is the response to holding up a screening line means something is terribly wrong here.

His employer has done absolutely nothing to either make him the face of the brand or mention him a lot, unless you consider a couple of obligatory press releases as being a media blitzkrieg.

Blitzkrieg in a sentence as a verb

It was basically a vary well executed blitzkrieg with both technological and tactical superiority.

Not slow but not blitzkrieg either, just steadily.> Do you plan to maintain your subscription for the foreseeable future?Yes, definitely.> Do you see value in maintaining a corporate presence on the service?Not applicable for me.

Blitzkrieg definitions


a swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment

See also: blitz


fight a quick and surprising war