Bisexual in a sentence as a noun

In fact I would say roughly 70% of that site's viewers are bisexual.

I can only imagine how much more this must be a problem for those who are bisexual.

Some people "born straight" experiment with bisexuality, and end up the better for it.

As a bisexual-leaning-gay man, I have some strong feelings regarding people holding outdated views.

I just cannot see how such an app is sexist, especially given the fact there are plenty of bisexual and lesbian women.

Homosexual and bisexual adults are still banned from the organization.

And unlike some, I do believe in bisexuality, or being attracted to someone based on personality alone.

Bisexual in a sentence as an adjective

In retaliation, Treyvon's allies gather data on Zimmerman that indicates he's a bisexual and he's a swinger with his wife.

Will a bisexual individual be unavoidably attracted to every person he meets?

Female, technically more pansexual but I happily take part in the bisexual community in the UK [1]Fun fact: I personally found it helped me to be queer when you're a woman in IT.

"The claim that people are by default bisexual and choose between two preferences is very much different from the claim that people with one well-defined sexual orientation may arbitrarily change it.

... In contrast to men, both heterosexual and lesbian women tend to become sexually aroused by both male and female erotica, and, thus, have a bisexual arousal pattern.

The Commission has also found that claims by lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals alleging sex-stereotyping state a sex discrimination claim under Title VII.

Doesn't it seem likely to anyone else that Keith Rabois was not openly homosexual or bisexual, and that is the reason he didn't report the relationship to the company?Or am I missing something really obvious?

Bisexual definitions


a person who is sexually attracted to both sexes


sexually attracted to both sexes


having an ambiguous sexual identity

See also: epicene