Biography in a sentence as a noun

One of the things that struck me while reading Jobs' biography was how frequently he cried.

Theories on Jobs' character aside, the Jobs biography is an utter mess.

A great biography IMO, but it's not much about technology.

For those who haven't yet, I'd highly recommend reading "Steve Jobs", the biography by Isaacson.

He was so private, and for good reason, and until the biography comes out these are some of the few views we have to him as a person.

The rest of the portrayal of him being some super human is also completely in opposition with his biography.

I hate to make a "me too" like post, but as soon as I read his biography, I thought "... wait we should stop supporting X browser because some kid doesn't know how to support it too?

In his biography he talks about the importance of Apple generating a profit in order to re-invest into producing new products.

Read the Pulitzer-prize winning biography "The Powerbroker" if you want a lesson in how to abuse the public's ignorance through the cunning drafting of legislation.

I don't like this article's groundless speculation about Albert Einstein, who is used as an unwilling poster child for dozens of causes without support in Einstein's actual biography.

From the Isaacson biography:Jobs described the type of glass Apple wanted for the iPhone, and Weeks told him that Corning had developed a chemical exchange process in the 1960s that led to what they dubbed gorilla glass.

I realize I'm probably being too harsh, but I wish that I felt like Isaacson had invested into this biography, this once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity, the way Jobs likely invested in developing any of his products.

The Timeframe series starts much earlier than the Durant's, but once both series were in sync I would read the books in both series for an epoch, as well as at least two other books, either written in the era or about the era, drawing mostly from science, culture, and biography.

The original model of university student was the one Westfall described in his excellent biography of Newton: "a plodding group, narrowly vocational in outlook, lower-class youths grimly intent on ecclesiastical preferment as the means to advancement.

Biography definitions


an account of the series of events making up a person's life

See also: life