Bimetallism in a sentence as a noun

I am against UBI, but credit where it's due: it's not easy these days to break into the national political conversation with a single issue platform so far outside the Overton Window as Yang has. This is like the old parties of yore that campaigned on things like a bimetallism or Prohibition.

But Bryan's adoption of bimetallism came because he recognized its political potency, not because he held strong opinions about the economics of the matter.

If you think back to your high school history courses when they were talking about the days that "bimetallism" was a thing during the Panic of 1893, it was because ordinary peoples' gold-backed-dollar-denominated debts and mortgages were becoming more expensive to pay off. "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!

In the late 1800s the Democratic party under William Jennings Bryan was campaigning for bimetallism, which would cause inflation, in order to help farmers because inflation would make their debts less significant.

Moreover, the architects of this policy failed to see in-retrospect-obvious problems like arbitrage destabilization of bimetallism as the gold-silver exchange rate was, effectively fixed by law. Suffice it to say my confidence in their ability to be correct about the complex net social effects is low, given they missed this crucial, first-order economics problem.

Bimetallism definitions


a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by stated amounts of two metals (usually gold and silver) with values set at a predetermined ratio