Besiege in a sentence as a verb

But you can’t just dump the goods into the sea and besiege the store when you refuse, FYI.

Imagine the chaos that would besiege the world if there was a risk of bank runs and people not even being able to pay for food anymore.

Isn't this actually libel: "I really did not expect that [The Oatmeal] would marshal an army of people who would besiege my website and send me a string of obscene e-mails,"

Well, obviously the vikings didn't besiege Paris just because they wanted to visit the museums, but they also traded quite a lot, something which is often overlooked.

Oh, I agree that this is a problem, but you have to admit that attempting to patch workers is a far better medium term solution than trying to besiege the education system for 20 years.

I have for many years speculated that Gandalf's plan could have been to get everyone to Gondor and allow Sauron to besiege the combined forces of "the west" and then fly the ring to mount doom at the last moment.

But, of course, that was arguably a big improvement over the medieval model: Small-government "management" of the "economy" by private armies who threatened to burn your crops and besiege your house unless you paid tribute.

Besiege definitions


surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna"

See also: beleaguer surround circumvent


cause to feel distressed or worried; "She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged"


harass, as with questions or requests; "The press photographers besieged the movie star"