Bemuse in a sentence as a verb

It's not just hindsight; a lot of people, commentators here and elsewhere, were bemused by the entire Color story.

Not that Nginx isn't great, but I'm bemused by the occasional suggestions I see that it's saving us from the suddenly broken Apache.

Though the prospect of forcing generations to endure, even if they do not know about typewriters does bemuse me.

' asked five minutes after the main course is served always bemuses me, especially when it interrupts someone talking.

PMs are slightly bemused, but figure out some web pages that can feature animated fish, and vet the idea with senior developers, who agree it can be done before the next trade show.

I really like the "one way street" sign in this blog post because it reminds me of our first trip to Germany, where we were bemused at the incredible number of roads Munich had all named "Einbahnstrae".

>It would be interesting to see the fallout,We're so smugly confident of the security of our position at the top of the heap that we can bemuse idly about how interesting it will be to watch foreign affairs in the near future.

Bemuse definitions


cause to be confused emotionally

See also: bewilder discombobulate throw