Beeline in a sentence as a noun

> The nice man from the stairwell appeared and was clearly making a beeline towards me to talk to me.

I must say, I made a beeline for the security page and was not disappointed.

"As part of that, don't think you need to learn all the tools of 'real' programmers: you don't need to make a beeline to Rails, or PDO, or Backbone.

Learned this the hard way. Back when LinuxCon was still called LinuxCon, I made the mistake of making a beeline to the first "booth" I saw that was manned by a fellow female.

If a cab does end up in Brooklyn, because they were required by law to take someone from Manhattan there, they tend to beeline it back to Manhattan, avoiding streets where they might encounter a fare.

Beeline definitions


the most direct route; "he made a beeline for the bathroom"