Beatific in a sentence as an adjective

Once you pass that beatific startup culture point, you need structure.

A twist on that is that when Eddie played he had a beatific smile, and never the twisted-face shredder guitar look.

Do people actually feel virtuous and beatific because they bought a bucket of pork fried rice from someone not of the same race as them?

She asked me what I thought with this beatific smile, and I said I found the never ending movement and ad-hoc meetings around me to be distracting.

It's sitting there with a beatific smile - the world is a good place to be when you have just eaten a few gallons of raw fish and you can feel another "burp" coming.

When I handed over my money to the guy serving me, he refused to accept it and gave me a look I can only describe as beatific... like saintly glow.

Even if you quietly and anonymously help others, but in turn sleep better at night and feel beatific, you're gaining something.

Again, I'd say that the beatific, straight pose is an important part of the image that Lispector herself created rather than the one imposed on her by "the male gaze".

I have coded two beatific systems in the next 6 months after that, but none of my users cared enough, or even had the opportunity to appreciate it.

Emotions and muscle movements sweep across a face, but depending on the photographer's or editor's choice of moment, the same person can look scary or beatific.

They don’t pass a barn, they pass a holy vision of a barn, a barn such as there must have been when the world was young, a barn whose angelic red and beatific white send them into mad ecstasies.

Most people are also pretty hardwired to suspect that someone regarded as an beatific genius with unearthly powers by his friends might just be a weirdo with a few savant-like abilities surrounded by sycophants though.

When the beatific man exits the confessional, he passes a queue of anxious programmers--one wearing a Visual Basic shirt--ready to admit their sins.>The commercial, which touts Sun's "100 percent pure Java" campaign, is not your usual television ad.

'Disaster,' she writes, 'along with moments of social upheaval, is when the shackles of conventional belief and role fall away and the possibilities open up.' People suffering unimaginable misfortune often revert not to savagery but to an almost beatific selflessness, comforting themselves in extremis by aiding others.

But the additional claims from Gruber in this is that "both acting in their own interests, Google's being 'milk you dry for information and revenue', while apparently Apple is this beatific entity, whose interest is 'sincerely caring for ... their customers'.

Beatific definitions


experiencing or bestowing celestial joy; "beatific peace"


marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint; "angelic beneficence"; "a beatific smile"; "a saintly concern for his fellow men"; "my sainted mother"

See also: angelic angelical saintlike saintly sainted