Beaming in a sentence as an adjective

I have a photo of him beaming ear to ear when we went out to dinner a few days before.

There's a fundamental problem here though in power beaming.

The only thing I'd want to prevent my phone from beaming to the mothership is my location.

Both Google and Apple have also featured this release, everybody is beaming here.

Most of the time I forget to turn it off and still see the location indicator beaming when I get home, thinking to myself "they tracked me this time, darn!".

So these beaming hotspots are not terribly more concentrated than what the sunlight provides already.

Networks of power beaming stations to power cross country flights would result in aircraft so light, that parachute landing systems for the whole craft might be feasible.

"Someone, Blok reasoned, was beaming powerful wireless pulses into the theatre and they were strong enough to interfere with the projector's electric arc discharge lamp.

With all these stations beaming power to everyone what would it take for an overwhelming number of them to direct it at a target with the purpose of eradicating it?

Did he try putting tin foil around the machine to block any space signals that might be beaming down?I'm not sure if it's the researcher or the ars writer who doesn't know what they are talking about.

The best case would be a tracking parabola that follows your device through space beaming concentrated ultrasound at it, and even then the power transfer is going to be a handful of milliwatts.

Beaming definitions


cheerful and bright; "a beaming smile"; "a glad May morning"

See also: glad


pleased and proud; "beaming parents"


radiating or as if radiating light; "the beaming sun"; "the effulgent daffodils"; "a radiant sunrise"; "a refulgent sunset"

See also: beamy effulgent radiant refulgent