Battleground in a sentence as a noun

The real battleground is tablets and this is one area where Apple has a phenomenal lead.

Looking at the results, the poll averages were well within sampling error in all battleground states.

Media blitzes in battleground states don't pay for themselves.

India maintains the highest battleground presence in the world on the Siachen Glacier.

If the "battleground" is the exchange value of Bitcoin, then calling it a market is not an exaggeration.

I would much rather Github stay a fairly harmonious place than be another open source vs. MS battleground.

This seems to be another example of where Microsoft has lost its way and simply become a battleground for management turf wars.

As early as the spring of 2008, the major political parties acknowledged that there would be only 14 battleground states in 2008.

To sum it up: EVE is no idle pastime and you do not just log into EVE and "zerg" through a few battleground inebriated without any consequences or danger.

The battleground is now over things like notice requirements and trans-vaginal ultra-sounds for abortions during any stage of pregnancy.

Battleground definitions


a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields"

See also: battlefield field