Batiste in a sentence as a noun

Com/batiste/blop-language Not sure why they claim proxies are complicated... I found it was a piece of cake to implement a working library for state management using a Proxy.

As batiste suggested below, some countries do have a mandatory army service. As someone who served a bit more than a year in just such an army, let me point out how paying taxes in cash is vastly superior a solution to paying in work: I am an application developer with a very narrow set of "deep" skills.

Proper Noun Examples for Batiste

Batiste, I think what you are describing is that the culture around Ruby doesn't put a smile on your face, rather than just Rails. Ruby's philosophy is quite a bit different from Python, Smalltalk, Perl, Java, and PHP. Ruby is roughly described as "batteries included."

Batiste definitions


a thin plain-weave cotton or linen fabric; used for shirts or dresses