Basilisk in a sentence as a noun

I want an "Ask me about Roko's basilisk!

It's a bit annoying that you can't even talk about this stuff without the basilisk interfering.

That's the heart of Roko's basilisk argument, I think it's interesting even if you don't mention AI at all.

Eliezer's own LessWrong comments have been downvoted many times, and a number of those were during the "basilisk" debacle.

> the "basilisk" debacleHadn't heard of this, just read the RationalWiki article-- and it is fabulous.

It seems like the basilisk is only terrifying if you don't temper your rationality with empiricism.

Maybe we're dooming ourselves by laughing at the basilisk incident instead of taking the potentially larger issue seriously.

And, less importantly - how many did you receive in 2013?You sure are making it sound like a significant part of LW believes in the basilisk, both in various revisions of the articles on RW, and in comments on the topic.

I'm just wondering if there could be a basilisk effect for someone who previously thought there were unlimited awesome points available to them, read your hypothetical, started believing in finite awesome points and hoarding them, and stopped doing as many awesome things as they used to.

Basilisk definitions


(classical mythology) a serpent (or lizard or dragon) able to kill with its breath or glance


ancient brass cannon


small crested arboreal lizard able to run on its hind legs; of tropical America