Banner in a sentence as a noun

But too many, like Google, just wimped out. All their black banner said was, "We care, but not that much.

If you have a slow connection and the video start to buffer a lot, there is a banner that appear right under the video linking to the video quality report.

On this blog there are 11 "share this" buttons, a huge pointless banner of mostly black space, and half a page worthwhile of text is followed by 5 pages of black space to allow for all the sidebar links.

Banner in a sentence as an adjective

If you really want to compell people to download Mountain Lion, just make it a banner at the top of the store that shows up if you don't have it!The same applies to the iOS App store though.

All of the people who built the site and the banner are volunteers who met on HN across various threads, and not members of any of the advocacy orgs or companies listed on the site.

Banner definitions


long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising

See also: streamer


a newspaper headline that runs across the full page

See also: streamer


any distinctive flag

See also: standard


unusually good; outstanding; "a banner year for the company"