Bandstand in a sentence as a noun

The crusty OG's yelling "get off the bandstand!

Instead, he expected his sidemen to learn his tunes by ear, on the bandstand.

And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.- Charlie Parker

I'm a jazz musician, but learned improvisation on the bandstand.

The two bandstands were set up so that there would be a sort of ‘battle of the bands’ between the regular house band and a visiting band.

I'm a working jazz musician, and the number of women who I encounter on the bandstand is depressingly small.

It's probably a great analogy because the best musicians all know basic music theory, whether they learned it in school or on the bandstand.

In Britain you would need to recognise different cultural structures that you wouldn't necessarily get in Paris, one example is many British parks have a raised up circular bandstand for a local brass band.

Bandstand definitions


a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air

See also: stand