Bandanna in a sentence as a noun

So, wear a cloth mask, or a bandanna over your mouth and nose.

Do you have a bandanna or a tshirt you could wrap around your head?

At 5pm, the tie came off, and at 6pm I was entitled to wear it around my head like a bandanna.

100% agree but even a T-Shirt or bandanna is preferable to going out with nothing.

Instead, you get some guy in a bandanna, with a baseball bat, walking up to your truck, "Get the **** off out of here!

Would people have listened if they were told: masks work, but are in limited supply so use a bandanna and save the mask supply for front-line doctors?

Can the "mask shaming" be worked around by wearing a bandanna or scarf over the top to hide it, or does that reduce its effectiveness?

Certainly we need to have them for our providers but having even a cotton bandanna on yourself is a courtesy to others.

With regard to the bandanna, one of the things I learned repeatedly through hard experience at Burning Man is that you never leave your dust mask behind.

It's the easiest thing to do, and most modern tumblerites aren't willing to get in the streets with a bandanna and a baseball bat, so it's what gets done now.

CDC says that to the public yet in their information to doctors and nurses says a bandanna or scarf can substitute for an N95 mask but with less effectiveness.

This is particularly damning given that we're also now being told that a bandanna or any piece of cloth is a suitable replacement for a mask.

Soldiers dress like soldiers because they have to go fight other soldiers and face machine gun or sniper fire, mortars, IEDs, grenades, tanks, etc. Police dresses up like soldiers to fight some people with a bandanna and a passive aggressive sign.

Bandanna definitions


large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief

See also: bandana