Axon in a sentence as a noun

The axons that conduct motor signals to the skeletal muscles have a conductance speed of 80-120m/s [1].

You left out what seems to be a key part of their method -- use of retrograde tracers that are taken up by axon terminals.

But when you get down to the axon level, there is a huge variability in connectivity.

If every axon had 8+ binary signal lines it would become unreasonably complex and large, and prone to failure.

Assuming that you can modify the activation potential across an axon, you still won't change the relative weights of its inputs or the neuron's connections...

There is a serious amount of heavy lifting in the visualization department done here for us. I imagine forking this repo and adding a simple model to govern the neuron and axon behavior would be doable.

Students probably just didn't know the extent of the dendrites and their structure, the fact that the axon is usually longer and thinner etc so they drew what they see in Books/magazines.

Recent research has shown glial cells, the uncelebrated insulator of the axon, in fact provide significant chemical signaling and modulation to the process of neural activity.

Axon definitions


long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron

See also: axone