Avail in a sentence as a noun

For a year or two I tried and tried to get behind vim, to no avail.

JS errors, tried many browsers to no avail.

She's 17, and I'd tried to interest her in programming before with no avail.

We've spent tons of time and money trying to mitigate these errors as much as possible to no avail.

I spent 3 weeks in London recently, booked the trip about a month in advance, and tried to no avail to find a place on AirBNB -- nada.

But to no avail.> The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees.

Avail in a sentence as a verb

It means that I need to make intelligent judgments about availing myself of such protections as opposed simply to categorically rejecting the idea of using them.

I decided to take a path of books, library study time, and self guided learning utilizing the many resources available to me such as; weekly coding sessions with Keith from DBC, Stack Overflow, and Google.

The author doesn't mention where he's initiating these conversations, but happy people do not hang out by themselves at bars very often or necessarily avail themselves to strangers in line at Starbucks.

If by "if by 'if by whiskey'" you mean to circularly employ the same manipulative tactic of deceptive self-promotion, then I am certainly against it. But if by "if by 'if by whiskey'" you mean to strategically exercise the same practice out of admiration of its effective and pacifying avail to reason, then I am certainly for it. That is my position.

All it will take for students to avail themselves of this emerging opportunity is a clear sense of where they’re headed, lots of self-motivation, and good access to information about what mix of skills is likely to lead to a promising career.

What is more, if I don't avail myself of such protections and if a competitor later does so in a way that hurts my venture's prospects because I now have to surmount legal barriers that wouldn't even have been there had I acted to protect my company's legal interests in the first place, then I have done affirmative harm to the people who trusted me to run my company to its best advantage - whether they be my investors, my co-founders, my employees, or just my own family members who might suffer if that venture should fail.

Avail definitions


a means of serving; "of no avail"; "there's no help for it"

See also: help service


use to one's advantage; "He availed himself of the available resources"


be of use to, be useful to; "It will avail them to dispose of their booty"


take or use; "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"

See also: help