Autonomy in a sentence as a noun

Shouldn't our top priority, as a tribe, be to change this?We should make programmer autonomy our major issue.

In other words, they don't feel happy during this time by themselves, but they seek it as a way to demonstrate autonomy within their life.

We give you autonomy and agency, we are transparent about the company every employee has a chance to make a difference.

We also have a tendency to want to put our heads down and ignore "the boring business stuff", then we get pissed when non-technical executives drink our autonomy milkshake.

Using startup culture as a substitute for benefits, compensation and autonomy within a company is now standard practice.

But title upgrades, pay raises, project allocation, autonomy and transfer opportunities should be based on an OR-gate; if one signal indicates potential for success, move forward.

These factors seemed to be reported even by folks who cited other benefits such as a high degree of autonomy and the opportunity to work with other highly passionate top level engineers on important emerging technologies.

Revolutionary agitation usually comes when hard-working, intelligent, and previously fortunate people become out of power and hit a ceiling, either because society is deeply stagnant or because they're actively being deprived of autonomy.

In reality the reason these few companies are "desperate" has to do with developers who want respect as human beings, autonomy to get things done, reasonable hours, a company that understands the need for technical excellence and not "put out fires" mentality, etc. If you do those things it's not that difficult to hire...

Autonomy definitions


immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence

See also: liberty


personal independence

See also: self-direction self-reliance self-sufficiency