Autodidact in a sentence as a noun

I am/was an autodidact most of my life.

My perspective might be in a minority, because I'm an autodidact.

Learning for the sake of learning rarely works, unless you're an autodidact extraordinaire.

They say that the problem with an autodidact is that he has a fool for a teacher, and with linear algebra I learned that the hard way.

Yet schooling has killed the will to autodidact for many people, or has delegitimized it in favor of formal schooling and credentials.

Anyone who isn't sitting in a cave reinventing computation from scratch will learn things from other people, so it might just be useful to think of different ways of learning rather than a strict "formally trained" versus "autodidact" dichotomy.

In practice this subtilely selects for people from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and/or people who have an "academic-oriented" learning style as opposed to an autodidact or self-directed learning style.

Autodidact definitions


a person who has taught himself