Authorial in a sentence as an adjective

Do we have to rely on authorial intention?

"I found out..." would be better in most contexts, but tense is due more to authorial taste so I could have ignored that.

The problem with this is that creative people are authorial bring them to "put a pretty face" on other idea is hard work.

Not vocal voice, but your authorial voice, the sort of thing English teachers teach you to detect in written documents.

In the authorial intent meaning of "for"?That is a legitimate viewpoint, but I find it surprising to hear it here.

The first 30-40 pages feel a bit directionless and even annoying as you get used to Jaynes' authorial tone, but once it gets going it's a great read.

It's like giving someone a phone number and then being annoyed they didn't let you dial it for them for a fee or authorial credit.

Annihilation of all life on Earth is prevented by authorial fiat.

You're concerned with maintaining your authorial credibility - if others find you're incorrect on one topic, you believe they'll lose confidence in your knowledge of other topics.

It's the major technology that wasn't in TNG, DS9, or Voyager, or the TNG movies... Unless you're arguing that the 2009 movie shouldn't be considered to have any continuity with those, in spite of authorial attempts to ensure that it does?

What I meant was that when Banks depicts individuals outside the small pool of slightly-rogue-elite-who-know-what's-really-going-on, he has a strong authorial tendency to infantilize them in some way.

Within Goatse, the dialogic image is covert; unable to exercise any significant level of authorial control within the design process, the designer forces the critical dissonance by tapping into the in-joke.

Authorial definitions


of or by or typical of an author; "authorial comments"; "auctorial flights of imagination"

See also: auctorial