Aurochs in a sentence as a noun

When you built these things you wanted them big, for efficiency, and so the dug up the aurochs genes.

How well do people understand the difference between modern cow diets and the diets of say aurochs?

How about european bison, aurochs, wild pigs, and many many more.

They did in the aurochs sense, but auroch are extinct and were probably pretty different.

> We won't see the extinction of the chicken, cow or pigWhile red junglefowl and wild boar are doing OK, the aurochs is extinct.

It's a domestic species, just like, say, modern cattle are domesticated aurochs.

The transformation of aurochs from a wild megafauna to a technology to transform inedible grass into edible milk and beef is also over 10,000 years old.

I'm sure it would make the aurochs feel better to know that after we slaughtered it into extinction, we kept the domesticated version around to live in tiny pens and provide us milk and/or beef until we slaughter them too.

But does it matter if it's 100% or 90%?Wikipedia says this:'The most common themes in cave paintings are large wild animals, such as bison, horses, aurochs, and deer, and tracings of human hands as well as abstract patterns, called finger flutings.

Aurochs definitions


European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison

See also: wisent


large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle

See also: urus