Audaciousness in a sentence as a noun

Say what you will, but there are not many people on the same level of audaciousness as him.

The logistics of this story make me more skeptical than audaciousness of it.

The audaciousness of taking those lobbyists' demands word-for-word and expecting nobody to find out in this day and age is pretty shocking.

> Why china in particular?Because of their size and audaciousness they have a large presence in almost every issue that needs to be tackled.

The sheer audaciousness of the original Vision is amazing considering the cost, size, etc of what computers were then.

My point is that to deconstruct the article on merits of audaciousness is unfairly critical considering a fatality took place.

I respect amazon's audaciousness with this idea but I think it might be better to stick to the ground as the drone needs to go somewhere once its done and to go up is probably not optimal.

Audaciousness definitions


fearless daring

See also: audacity temerity


aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery; "he had the audacity to question my decision"

See also: audacity