Asymptote in a sentence as a noun

Similar stories for fuel -- EVs are one asymptote.

The cost for the low-end device is going to asymptote towards zero, quickly.

That first chart really bugs me. You're showing us an apparent asymptote, a totally reasonable thing to do to prove your point.. but then I notice it's a log plot.

Somebody needs to introduce Kurzweil to the concept of the asymptote.

" question, the chain must either stop somewhere or recede infinitely to a "bad question" asymptote.

They have something in common: a horizontal asymptote.

The asymptote is the point where you reach perfect integration or fine tuning of the algorithm, at which point extra feedback stops being useful.

I like the idea of looking for companies where one is explicitly guaranteed to be the asymptote of competence.

For water, such an asymptote is desalination cost somewhere around 1-2x treated tap water.

The reward for mining a block just halved; it'll continue to halve as the supply increases, so that 21 million is not the endpoint so much as it is an asymptote.

"Open membership" + "front page should be a representative sampling of 'anything the membership likes'" has its asymptote at "cat pictures.

'It's very difficult for a claim that contains a linguistic asymptote to be true, but it's cognitively very easy to understand and process.

I don't care how many metrics you measure, you can't use metrics to determine where an asymptote is going to appear because it's not going to be a part of any logical predictive model.

Asymptote definitions


a straight line that is the limiting value of a curve; can be considered as tangent at infinity; "the asymptote of the curve"