Astronautics in a sentence as a noun

The whole world astronautics will have to adjust to accomodate the elevator - and nobody knows how it is going to look like.

It doesn't succumb to the temptation of architecture astronautics.

Alas "radical design" usually ends up with UI astronautics and gimmicks which may be cool to show off once, but not really useable.

I use Agda for prototyping all the time, but the things I'm prototyping are typically type-astronautics, etc.

That said, calling these the "12 most controversial facts in mathematics" is like calling the truth of the moon landings the most controversial fact in astronautics.

You mean like a FP ML then ala OCaml / F#.I said I like hybrid OO-FP languages for business productivity, rather than concentrating on meaningless software architecture astronautics like that "Blue Book" you linked.

>>“Even though your light might be green, it may recommend you not go because there are people behaving badly that you may not be aware of,” said Jonathan How, an aeronautics and astronautics professor who co-created the algorithm.

> it's worth changing the environment to simplify the problem instead of writing complex software!No doubt there is a fair amount of architecture astronautics out there, but thinking you're going to turn complex problems into simple problems by "changing the environment" is most of the time extremely naive.

Astronautics definitions


the theory and practice of navigation through air or space

See also: aeronautics