Astral in a sentence as an adjective

What is the structure of consciousness in the astral plane or however you are going to call it?

For example: Hubble's law states that the relative speed of some astral object is proportional to its distance.

After age 14, the third stage, an astral body is believed to be drawn into the physical body, creating the onset of puberty.

If the whole goal of arguing that the consciousness exists in the astral plane is that "we can't study it", then that sounds a bit non-serious.

>Don't forget, there's a comparable number of people who claim the ability to "astral travel".That is a rather uncompelling argument.

Or is it that they are single characters on an astral plane which are encoded as two code units in UTF-16, and therefore behave rather like two characters if your language uses 16-bit chars?

While there is no reason to accept the non-scientific explanation that they're actually leaving their body in some astral plane in real life, the actual experience they're reporting is very real.

Don't forget, there's a comparable number of people who claim the ability to "astral travel".When you wake up in the morning, how can you tell whether you were lucid dreaming or just dreaming that you were lucid dreaming?

> astral charactersI was looking for the relationship between sushi and astral sign characters when I realised reading your link that, while I knew unicode was split in planes, I didn't know about most of them being astral, which deeply satisfied the roleplaying nerd in me.

Astral definitions


being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars; "an astral body"; "stellar light"

See also: stellar