Aspirate in a sentence as a noun

If you stop to create a word break, and then aspirate heavily on the "h", it can be uncomfortable to say.

No, the possible danger is that they'll aspirate the water and you'll compromise their airway.

What drives me nuts is RP speakers that aspirate leading H's but insist on using the wrong article before them anyway.

My mom told me that when I was a baby the "best practice" was for a baby to sleep on its stomach -- otherwise it might aspirate vomit.

"So, systematically drowning rats until they aspirate water, every day for twelve weeks.

Aspirate in a sentence as a verb

But I'm having difficulty seeing how you wouldn't also aspirate the bacteria with a shower head anyway.

No doubt a mister would basically guarantee you'd aspirate the bacteria if your hot water tank was contaminated.

I hope it's pretty easy to understand that you have to put a whole lot of energy into it in order to actually get the particles to fly up into your nose or mouth for you to aspirate them.

> systematically drowning rats until they aspirate waterWe prefer the term "advanced interrogation techniques"

Aspirate definitions


a consonant pronounced with aspiration


remove as if by suction; "aspirate the wound"


pronounce with aspiration; of stop sounds


suck in (air)