Ascendance in a sentence as a noun

And has the ascendance of Apple and Google been uniformly good?

But in context I don't think you can look at their recent history as one of ascendance.

Considering his beliefs, I think he handled his ascendance with grace.

I think this is actually a big reason for the ascendance of big-box stores, esp. Lowes and Home Depot, and auto parts chains like O'Reilly.

The reasons for the ascendance of mobile are political and corporate though, not technical.

If they were making a UI based on camp in a cultural era of camp ascendance, lets say the late 60s, early 70s in the USA, then this would be a win, it would be "groovy", it would be "boss".

There was a genuine and severe hyperinflation crisis in the years after World War I, but the main economic reason for the **** ascendance to power in the early 1930s was actually a period of _deflation_ and mass unemployment.

This falls exactly into the scenarios I talked about...Given how much randomness was involved in our creation as a species, let alone our technological ascendance, it is highly unlikely that other intelligence would develop in exactly the same amount of time elsewhere.

Ascendance definitions


the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"

See also: dominance ascendence ascendancy ascendency control