Artefact in a sentence as a noun

Or is it some kind of artefact of the way that ND census block are formed, compared to the surrounding states?

I guess it's just a memetic artefact of the blind worship many people have for the military.

That pretty strongly suggests it's a camera artefact and not something real on mars.

That the emotional regions of the brain showed no difference may simply be an artefact of the study design.

Granted, I look older in a suit, but it's a curiously consistent cultural artefact.

That the people executing on their Systems are frequently the ones to suggest the initial idea for the seed System they end up working on is more an artefact of human-nature+ than anything to do with YC's business model as such.

"From Excession, by Iain M. Banks:"It could see that - by some criteria - a warship, just by the\n perfectly articulated purity of its purpose, was the most beautiful\n single artefact the Culture was capable of producing, and at the same\n time understand the paucity of moral vision such a judgement implied.\n To fully appreciate the beauty of a weapon was to admit\n to a kind of short-sightedness close to blindness, to confess to\n a sort of stupidity.

Condense enough value into one spot/artefact, and you'll get some people attracted to and mesmerized by it, the people who can't control themselves around it, coming close and touching it, not necessarily to privatize, just to feel and be around it and be associated/connected with it exactly like it happened with Odio.

Thankfully, people of that mindset are mostly approaching retirement age and the generation of doctors below them seem to be more open to new ideas - something I suspect is an artefact of being trained during the eighties onwards when lots of fields of medicine became a lot more research focused and less interested in doing things because "that's how it's always been done".

Artefact definitions


a man-made object taken as a whole

See also: artifact