Archeology in a sentence as a noun

Like archeology but I'm getting paid for it. Well, not much pay.

Self the system still exists - this isn't just archeology.

It was a cool little piece of internet archeology.

I find this sort of software archeology fascinating.

One of the vernor vinge books had software archeology as a discipline, for similar reasons.

Probably because he is not an economist but a professor of archeology.

Building a website for the archeology department is a real engineering project.

They actually called this presentation "data archeology" because of this.

By default, archeologists tend to use lots of grad students with shovels, because they are cheap and being a grad student with a shovel is a rite of passage in archeology.

"The person writing the story has no training in history, archeology or is generally aware of trends, claims and excavations.

This is so much more of an issue in archeology than it is in say, laboratory biology, where if a sample is destroyed there is often the possibility of resampling.

It's better to determine what the writers meant by conducting a careful linguistic study based on other texts, archeology and historical accounts written by people who seem to have had access to evidence that is now lost.

The Chinese case of early sound writing was only recently rediscovered by history, as archeology in sites from that period showed how many writings there were that used Chinese characters strictly for sound value, in violation of etymology.

Process engineering, chemical engineering, astronomy, physics, linguistics, archeology, ... they're all experiencing disruption at an increasing pace.

Archeology definitions


the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures

See also: archaeology