Aquatic in a sentence as a noun

There is simply no stopping a 20ft long, 4000lb., aquatic dinosaur.

He decides that an aquatic theme will increase sales, and passes it on to project management.

I love the ocean and aquatic ecosystems, always have.

Most aquatic mammals evolved from land based mammals, but the fishes have been evolving from fishes for as long as we have a fossil record for.

We really like using aquatic references at Grooveshark, and since the beginning this project's code name was Beluga.

Aquatic in a sentence as an adjective

Have you looked into selling other exotic aquatic animals that fit the aquarium you've developed?

Human embryos, for instance, develop, then lose, gills, webbed feet and rudimentary tails, reflecting their ancient aquatic life styles.

Even though the aquatic ape story is unlikely to be proven as a theory, it seems to have generated a ton of valuable discussion and scientific research.

As it disintegrates, the plastic ultimately becomes small enough to be ingested by aquatic organisms that reside near the ocean's surface.

Aquatic definitions


a plant that lives in or on water


relating to or consisting of or being in water; "an aquatic environment"


operating or living or growing in water; "boats are aquatic vehicles"; "water lilies are aquatic plants"; "fish are aquatic animals"