Anxiousness in a sentence as a noun

You know, I think its a manifestation of anxiousness about the work.

I can only imagine the excitement and anxiousness that you're feeling now.

Holy ****, just reading that made me feel sympathetic anxiousness.

I think the excessive rewards happens mostly due to anxiousness by creators, not 'market demand'.

I've struggled with a lot of **** throughout my life that has caused a lot persistent anxiousness that has always made it difficult to focus.

Or a glass of water, no embarassment, and no anxiousness?I imagine this requires friends who wont egg you on. I'm lucky to have a group of friends that understand when I say "I'm done for tonight", they say "okay, no problem!

An extra drink, potential embarassment, and lots of anxiousness?

I suspect there’s a big split in anxiousness to stop working from home between the executive/managerial class and the people that actually labor.

Some people are more nervous than others about giving up control but billions of people still do it because the benefits vastly outweigh slight anxiousness about that billion to one chance.

When the only metric is ad revenue via eyeball time and one of the best ways to increase that is outrage and anxiousness, you get increased outrage and anxiousness.

I am afraid the attitudes described in the article are more due to uninformedness and normal parental anxiousness than anything rational.

The days before I quit I had extreme anxiousness and couldn't sleep, thinking about how much I love life and what plans I have and how I want to have children - and how stupid it is to inhale smoke that kills you and doesn't even taste that good in exchange.

Have you been in a super shitty situation with massive amounts on uncertainty surrounding it?The problem is people are so eager, and their energies are so much more spent in worry and anxiousness that stuff like 'book reading project' will be least of their priorities.

Modern life isn't something we're well suited for from an evolutionary standpoint.> We rarely talk socially about symptoms like brain fog, memory lapses, mild pain, anxiousness, speediness, etc as anything related to diet or environmental exposure.

I understand the anxiousness to launch, but I wonder if this was somehow due to pressure from Microsoft or investors or something to launch before the app was actually ready?I like that they're using the platform to its fullest with the live tiles and what not, but it's still strange.

"The actual sensation of higher dopamine levels is stress and anxiousness - it actually doesn't feel good at all."Hmm, maybe that explains why whenever I get this rush of anticipation whenever I think about playing Starcraft, but when I actually play it I just end up stressed and anxious.

Anxiousness definitions


(psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic

See also: anxiety


a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments

See also: disquiet