Antifungal in a sentence as a noun

You made me wonder if Oral antifungal ***** may be effective.

Actually a Google Scholar search for 'citrus postharvest antifungal treatments' does show that this is in fact the standard operating procedure.

After my first round of antifungals I had a vacation scheduled for the south of France, the infections got better, but when I returned to the UK and by the time I'd got another appointment it'd flared up again.

Antifungal in a sentence as an adjective

The issue is whether it's either introducing antifungal resistant fungi into your body, or causing fungi already in your body to become antifungal resistant.

And surprisingly those OTCs have worse side effects!How does that make any sense?And what would you use instead of nystatin - a broad spectrum antifungal?Mebendazole is OTC in almost all countries except the US - it's even given routinely without evidence of infection.

Antifungal definitions


any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi

See also: fungicide antimycotic


capable of destroying fungi

See also: fungicidal