Anthropomorphism in a sentence as a noun

The idea that even a self-aware rover would want to go back to Earth is blas anthropomorphism.

People like a degree of anthropomorphism in, well, anything.

I still don't get it. If you start with an Asimov robot, then take away the anthropomorphism and the sentience, what remains that isn't found in a modern car factory?

But again, it would by a sin of anthropomorphism to believe that machines should use mainly natural language to get their instructions from human beings.

I've been aware of the power of anthropomorphism ever since and noticed the readiness for humans to do ascribe feelings and thoughts to things that don't actually have them.

GP is using "anthropomorphism" incorrectly, but they are consistent, and your question is unjustified.

I tend to see the concept of anthropomorphism as something of a Abrahamic position, as it only makes sense if you already think of humans as being separate from animals and nature in general.

Holy anthropomorphism Batman!There are numerous mechanisms to explain how tiny-brained insects could determine suitable shelter that are all much more plausible than "democracy".

Anthropomorphism definitions


the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits

See also: theanthropism