Anthropogenic in a sentence as an adjective

Whether or not climate change is anthropogenic, it is going to require a response.

If you think anthropogenic global warming is bunkem, then the use of terms like "denier" is going to be a trigger for you.

Wow, so in the 1400's we were already on the way to anthropogenic global warming, essentially!

He's implying that we were on the way to anthropogenic global warming, and then Columbus and those who followed him inadvertently put a stop to it.

Your central argument rests on anthropogenic, CO2-caused global warming being irrefutably true.

He claimed that was there was effectively no one in the field that had any doubt about anthropogenic climate change, although there were many disputes about details.

It has always struck me as rather ridiculous to make a big deal about the distinction between anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic climate change.

"Proponents of value-based pricing" is like "believers in anthropogenic global warming" or "supporters of the theory of evolution".

I'm not denying anthropogenic global warming, I'm just saying that correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

Does following the scientific consensus on issues like anthropogenic global warming, evolution, and sex education make you a Democrat?

And if the hypothesis of significant anthropogenic climate change turns out to be false, then this makes very little difference to our ability to explain existing experimental data.

Our results confirm that the anticipated CO2 fertilization effect is occurring alongside ongoing anthropogenic perturbations to the carbon cycle and that the fertilization effect is now a significant land surface process.

Indeed, if they really did concede that climate change is happening, but believed that it wasn't anthropogenic, then they should be even more worked up about it than the "radical environmentalists," because that would mean that Illinois is going to have the climate of Texas and there is nothing we can do about it other than figure out how to live with the resulting fallout.

Intelligent people could easily vote for the candidate of the party that is toughest on public-sector unions for one office and the candidate who is most supportive of a carbon tax for another office, believing both that public sector unions and their pension commitments are out of control and in anthropogenic global warming, and make those choices dependent on the impact those beliefs have on the role.

Anthropogenic definitions


of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings

See also: anthropogenetic