Anoxia in a sentence as a noun

It lists the more common causes as:* Stroke or brain anoxia.

If normal blood flow is restored after 60 seconds of anoxia, no adverse effects are to be expected at all, not even in the short term.

The patient was without oxygen for a long enough time to cause her to experience global anoxia, which plunged her into a vegetative state.

Large-scale anoxia, in effect, might provide a self-limiting but self-perpetuating feedback of industry on the planet.

But in a way this is also promising, since in the future we should be able to prevent this kind of cell death, effectively prolonging the time a patient can survive anoxia without brain damage.

While anoxia most certainly depolarizes the whole structure, leading to the loss of whatever is currently in short term memory, the more permanent structures of the brain should survive episodes of maybe an hour or more, if we could only stop the apoptosis triggers from happening as soon as blood flow is restored.

"We have developed an extracorporeal pulsatile-perfusion system and a haemoglobin-based, acellular, non-coagulative, echogenic, and cytoprotective perfusate that promotes recovery from anoxia, reduces reperfusion injury, prevents oedema, and metabolically supports the energy requirements of the brain.

On anoxia -> In just a minute or two, you’ll discover a vast increase in your mental abilities—a sureness of thought, a breadth of understanding, and a rapidity and sureness of reasoning you never achieved before…Of course your brilliant realizations and mighty discoveries somehow seem to misfire when you come down off that jagI believe this covers quite a lot of the amazing 'realisations' people have whilst on psychedelics like ***, as well.

Anoxia definitions


severe hypoxia; absence of oxygen in inspired gases or in arterial blood or in the tissues